Thursday, January 5, 2012

How I Forgot...

I have just finished reading the second draft of my literature review and had just realized that I actually already finished incorporating all my Supervisor's comments and should have submitted the paper last month. How was it possible that I fooled myself into believing that I hadn't actually finished my draft, when in fact, I actually did? Hmm, let me recall what must have happened...back when I was doing the revision, I think I stayed up late and swore to myself not to sleep until I finish the draft.I worked non-stop from the morning and slept at noon the next day when I couldn't take the sleep deprivation anymore. When I woke up, I must have dreaded looking at my draft again and so I just led myself to believe that I didn't finish the fucking thing, that it was not worth submitting to my Supervisor and that I'd just wait one more month before I read it again,and finally finish the corrections. Ah, what a foolish girl, I've been! But, anyway, looking at the bright side, I got a good surprise today, and I also realized that I'm actually "brilliant"...well, forgetful but still, undeniably, "brilliant" :P

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