I just got my cedula or community tax certificate (CTC) last Friday. Every year, as a government employee, I am required to update my Personal Data Sheet (PDS) and provide the Civil Service Commission with my current CTC number.
I got my cedula from the Municipal Treasurer’s Office in Kalibo. I had to rush from Banga to the Municipal Hall to beat the 5pm closing. I was third in line, and if I hadn’t lost my 2009 cedula, I could have just handed it over to the Treasurer, but since I did lose it, I spent my time in line by writing my data on a sheet of paper provided at the counter.
Just a tip, to conserve time and energy, for those first time cedula applicants, before you go to your Municipal or Barangay Halls, please come prepared by legibly writing the following data on a sheet of paper: Complete Name (with middle initial), Address, Sex, Citizenship, Civil Status, Place of Birth, Date of Birth, Height, Weight, Profession, and Gross Annual Income.
The CTC is not for free. The amount to be paid will be calculated from your gross annual income (for every P1000 income, the tax due is P1) plus the basic community tax amounting to P5.
I spent about 10 minutes at counter and paid P125 for my cedula. My gross annual income is not really that much but I readily parted with my P125, fulfilling my once a year obligation to my beloved home town. I walked home feeling 6 feet tall.
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